Do you ever stop to think about how time quickly passes. Considering people live to 80 (which is a very low estimate considering I just read an article about how life expectancy is increasing and people will have to retire at 85 and not 65), my life is almost a quarter complete. Not only has it seemed so quick, but it also seems unaccomplished. I'm not talking about the Jane Austen kind of accomplished, because I let that idea go a long time ago, but I mean the accomplished that makes one feel good about themselves. That I've done well in life and am overall happy.
I get myself into a variety of messes all of my own accord, and this just makes it all the worse. I never imagined life unfolding in this very way. I think I've now just come to the conclusion of settlement, that it'll all be all right in the end, that it really doesn't matter and essentially I've turned myself off from feeling. At least for the most part.
So does this mean life is long or life is short?
All this makes me think of those that die young. How does the song go again? Only the good die young? Hm. Why? Why should their lives be so short, and the idea itself just makes me sad. All those people dying of hunger, from nature, from accidents, etc, and they can't go on with life.