Saturday, July 24, 2004

signing off...

So I thought I'd just leave a note saying that this isn't goodbye, just so-long. haha. I'm leaving early tomorrow for Florida, and wish me luck... (and fun of course!) So I wish upon everyone a wonderful week - maybe someone should go to the taste of lincoln avenue for me, so I can pretend like I went. Hmm. Or not. Anyway - That's all folks!

Thursday, July 22, 2004

A Door In the Floor

So I suppose I've been seeing a few too many movies. But I let it all be. So "A Door in the Floor" was definately interesting. My dad keeps telling me that I should read the book that the story continues on... but I'm debating. I think the movie was partly sad, partly creepy, partly sick (stuff that makes me shiver), and partly sweet. I can't really say if I liked it or not... but I can say the guy was pretty cute - and not Jeff Bridges, haha. And I did figure out why the little girl looked oh so familiar... but who cares about that.

Life goes on. And all to the hope that everyone has a good day, yay!

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Super Size Me

So this means I've gone and seen the movie. What can I say? I think I'll take a break from coca-cola for a while. My brother is convinced that I cannot turn fast food away per se... but we'll see how it all goes. The movie did make me a bit sick to my stomach, especially the surgery and the throwing up. Eh.. See for yourself if you'd like.

Otherwise... all is well! This is kinda the last week for a while. Have fun..

Friday, July 16, 2004

the thing

so what's the thing of the week... now that it is officially friday here in chicago? ZUMA. my all time favorite game, or something like that. I have to say I'm a bit addicted, but that I withheld today... probably for a different reason than self-control - like shopping at MicroCenter. Anyway... just thought I'd say what was going on.

Saturday is almost here and I hope/pray for the lack of rain so that everything goes ok. Have a question? Just ask. It works out well most of the time. And you should still come to see the movie. I hope everyone just memorized the lyrics... you'll be fine then. haha.

Listening to... the Who: "We'll be fighting in the streets
With our children at our feet
And the morals that they worship will be gone
And the men who spurred us on
Sit in judgement of all wrong
They decide and the shotgun sings the song

I'll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again"

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Dental Surgery

Yes, I do suppose that I did get myself into this mess... even though it seems to be a genetic problem. Eh. So I went on Monday and today, and I think it was gross. I opted not to look into the mirror and see all the blood... but I won't bore you with the details. Let me just say.. Let it never happen to you!

I did go to a concert (thanks aya) to see the redwalls. It was interesting and they sounded familiar and good. And they looked nice as well... at least 50 percent did. Yay. Fun Fun Fun.

I also saw Anchorman with my brother. It was his choice.. but it could have been worse. Everyone was laughing when I couldn't even open my mouth, but it wasn't even worth the effort to laugh. As far as going to see it? I'd tell people to pass unless they L-O-V-E Will Ferrell.

And hope all is well with everything else.

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Popular Science | Zero Cents a Minute

Popular Science | Zero Cents a Minute

That's the promised link to the article. Read for yourself and enjoy once more.

Discussion of the Future


Yes, yes... I always have said, what the heck is up with all this instant messaging stuff. It's hard enough to pick up sarcasm with voice inflections, and even harder with typed words on the internet.

I've always preferred the phone. I'll link in the article from popular science where I got this article in the mail about phones on the internet. This is the true future, and satisfies those reducing cost with IMs and those (like me) who recognize the importance of true voice.

This software and program is free and I think is a great idea. As for those of us going to college... this may be good if your parents or friends can figure it out as well as you can!

Good luck, and yay to this great idea!

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Ah Thursday

Well good news.. turns out that National Merit or Harvey Mudd or both together like me more. They've decided to give me twice as much per year as before. That sounds good to any extent, even though they'll take it away from somewhere else.

I'm leaving even earlier for HMC, as it turns out that they'll keep me the extra day seeing as how there are zero flights at the correct time. I think it's a good thing in that case.. but that does mean I'm leaving August 7th, just in case any of you care...

I hope everyone is doing well and fine and dandy.

P.S. - OOH and we're going to see "My Fair Lady" in Oz park. If you'd like to come just ask Tina about it, or even me. (She is a better planner...) "The rain in spain stays mainly in the plain..." and NOT IN CHICAGO ON THAT DAY. dum dum dum.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

ib scores

so results have come in. Went to see Ms. tookey yesterday and got the results back. And I'm not going to announce them here or anything like that... why would I do that? But anyway... I did just fine, and I don't feel bad about anything at all. I also got that t-shirt that makes the IB program so much worthwhile. OK, so that's not exactly the truth, but life goes on.

So good luck to everyone else in their quest for scores and everything else. Oh and the AP scores will come in due time. No worries!

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Cleanliness is next to Godliness? (with a capital g haha.)

So I was reading the Chicago Tribune today, and there was a especially fascinating article about cleanliness. Check it out yourself in whole or read the excerpt I've stolen below.

"When the CTA announced that new train cars would feature straps to hang onto, talk-show lines lit up with people wondering how these straps would be sanitized. Relax, people-the same crew that washes elevator buttons will see to it.

All of this is, of course, nutso. Microphobia. It goes by that name, along with a bunch of others-bacteriophobia, scatophobia-but it's nuts in any terms. Parenting Magazine quotes immunologists on the subject, maintaining that we face an "immune system immaturity." We're like lab animals raised in a sterile environment, they say, which leads to seriously abnormal lab animals. The Annals of Internal Medicine reports no difference between antibacterial soaps and any other kind of soap
." by Terry Sullivan in the Chicago Tribune Magazine.

So what do you think of the matter? Are people really as nuts as this? Well, I for one can name at least 3 people who are obsessive compulsive on the matter of cleanliness. Sorry people... I'm not laughing at you, but you must face the facts of reality. Well.. get on with life and everything. Sorry for the insult I suppose. EEP.

Thursday, July 01, 2004


It's all official. I've just gotten my voters card with the post. Haha. Voting is going to be absolutely fabulous. And people say I'm still a minor till I am 21. Well all I can say to them is super "psh". Let me vote and change this country... Ok - so not really doing much here in chicago in this majorly Democratic state but still!

VoteVote today!