Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Dental Surgery

Yes, I do suppose that I did get myself into this mess... even though it seems to be a genetic problem. Eh. So I went on Monday and today, and I think it was gross. I opted not to look into the mirror and see all the blood... but I won't bore you with the details. Let me just say.. Let it never happen to you!

I did go to a concert (thanks aya) to see the redwalls. It was interesting and they sounded familiar and good. And they looked nice as well... at least 50 percent did. Yay. Fun Fun Fun.

I also saw Anchorman with my brother. It was his choice.. but it could have been worse. Everyone was laughing when I couldn't even open my mouth, but it wasn't even worth the effort to laugh. As far as going to see it? I'd tell people to pass unless they L-O-V-E Will Ferrell.

And hope all is well with everything else.

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