Tuesday, November 02, 2004


hm. isn't it interesting that noting is note with -ing. but the e is gone. aw. I feel like I'm not really note-ing anything, cause it's not a note after all.

This week isn't so bad, except for the chem quiz. Too bad that's a ruiner for the week. Once it's done on thursday everyone should move along smoothly. But by then the week'll be over.

Anyway... If you're from a past life and you read this, silently looking, then you should write an email instead. I think that would just make my day. C'mon. I know who you are anyway, and am just too tired to call. Fine fine. I'll call later.

Anyway, that's about it for now. Every thing I think is a good idea just gets shot down anyway. But it's a good thing I'm not up the creek without a paddle. Feeling better about that already. OK. I'll just go back to listening to my fun music. YAY.

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