Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The end is near...

So, after realizing that I needed to pick courses for the upcoming semester for HMC, and then for study abroad, I got caught up in so many decisions. Do I care about a meal plan? What is my take on religion/religious services and the family I'm to stay with for a few days? My hobbies, my interests, my preferences... golly!

As far as classes go... Abroad or here, I'm not quite sure. And I'm getting very excited about the whole thing - new people, new places, new things to see and do. I also Link-plussed a bunch of books on England, travel guides, books about culture, and once classes finally finish I'll have time to actually read. The summer should be fun no matter how it all works out.

I've got a big-deal E80 presentation left, a community service project, paperwork (of course), a lesson plan to make and think about, and finals galore! It's all coming together and it makes me full of glee. Gleeful? hm. Maybe not. Oooh, I've babbled too much now. Turns out that babbling is something done by children that is naturally instinctive except for linguistically deprived children (whose cases are quite sad).

There are important things to do as well, so I best be off and at least pretend work. :)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Flowers and a Word

The things that can make or break a day include:

Flowers, and aren't they pretty and uplifting...

and then one word from some asshole, and the day is done.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

BBC NEWS | Europe | Brussels protest over MP3 murder

It's really great when people can come together for a reason. A good reason like this poor boy's death. No one does this in America, or if they do, I never hear about it. We have marches against political activity, be it war or people, but never something so far from home yet close to home at the same time. All of it makes me feel gloomy.

BBC NEWS | Europe | Brussels protest over MP3 murder


The summer is approaching, making me wish more and more that I was already done with the work for this semester. Too bad I'm busy procrastinating. My plans for summer are hopefully to be worked out in the coming week, all in all considering it's almost already here in 3 weeks. WOW. I can't believe the semester is over already.

I suppose I ought to go back to working considering the weekend is almost over too. Darn on that part.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Ten Commandments of the Female

Ten Commandments of the Female "Thou shall be user friendly.
Thou shall love thineself, for thou art a rare and noble breed, and worth it.
Thou shalt never use thine sex or thine superpowers for ill.
Thou shalt not start drama, for it is the bane of all nerd-dom.
Thou shall know thine shit, and not rely on thine sex appeal to keep thyself in good standing with the non-mammaried nerds.
Thou shall have good fashion sense, if it pleaseth thee, and if not, thou shalt not care, regardless of social convention.
Thou shalt not mother thine colleagues, for they are well able to care for themselves.
Thou shalt not take shit.
Thou shalt not care if a man giveth thee shit, and if a woman giveth thee shit, thou shalt not take it personally, for they know not what they do.
Thou shall be generally awesome, and all shall love ye (and despair)."


Harvey Mudd College - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After a big todo about MIT stealing the Caltech Cannon, read this.... "There is a long-standing rivalry between Harvey Mudd and the nearby Caltech; except this rivalry is basically unacknowledged by Caltech." This is funny. Why? Becuase HMC thinks that Caltech and itself are rivals. People are thinking of some kind of revenge.

Harvey Mudd College - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Is it irony, lying, or something else?

The people I hate are those who say they'll never do something, and then do it. Its one thing to dance around a topic in not deciding about it, to be wishy-washy, etc., but it is even another to go against everything you once stood for or against. What makes people change their minds so much? Is it the changing of the tides, aging, and realization that one wants their own life to change? Now - I do think hate is a strong word, so maybe I did lie in the beginning – and speaking of a lie…

Are these people just lying to themselves, lying to others on purpose, or just because they aren't sure and would rather say something than nothing? Is the goal in life to appease others or to suit oneself?

Or are people just hypocrites? It’s really hard to tell, and I hate to judge, but it just happens. Hypocrites are those that go around doing this sort of thing… or do they just do these things and seem like hypocrites to avoid something or another at that given time.

Perhaps I’m just a hypocrite myself, and too mean and pessimistic to realize otherwise.