Friday, June 02, 2006

The Pink Panther

The best theme song ever, and I remember loving the cartoon, but I think now this movie just didn't make the grade. Was fairly funny at times, but not worth any money at all, only downloading off the network. Was short and to the point, considering the "inspector" was such an idiot, it was almost hard to watch. Note that this movie may be good for children or the like, but I think I'm just too old for this type of crap.

The movie wasn't even worth the time and bother it took to watch, so please don't go out and watch it now. Fairly disappointed given that I remember the pink panther himself (there is only a diamond of the same name in the movie). Bah Humbug.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What!! You're a communist. Too old for the pink panther. Might as well be too old for pie, or clowns, or laughing. It's classic, and my dad still can't get enough of these movies. With Kato attacking him at any time and whatnot. Hehe.
