Saturday, June 25, 2005
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Puzzle Championships, missed again...
Oh. So after seeing a bit of this on my google homepage, I click away only to find that the time has passed. I remember seeing this last year and thinking how cool, but alas -- I missed the date again. See for yourself. Eh.
Other than that the camp has been fun, starting on Monday with some delicious smores, we've moved on in "cooking and crafting" to now doing borwnies and toffee ( I think ). The girls are all nice and cute and fun, and I'm glad it's all coming together. Hoorah. And pictures from my new camera soon enough.
Posted by
2:17 PM
Sunday, June 19, 2005
I've been to busy to post?
Ah. What the hell happened to me?
I suppose I'm a Naruto addict. For those who don't know, Naruto is a Japanese TV Cartoon, and yes, you may know my loathsome nature towards cartoons, but eh. It happens I suppose, after all that anger anyway.
My first earthquake ever was quite interesting, it seems I slept through the real first one, so that one was promptly ignored. The other was about 2 days ago, real small, for a minute like. I was sitting at the computer, thinking people were jumping up and down or moving crap around the suite, but to my surprise, when driving back to work, I heard that it was an earthquake -- cool! Not so cool for the stuff that fell in people's houses near its center, but cool for me. First ever. Wowee.
First Aid/CPR class was taken today, and it felt like all day for real. Long and kind of boring, some was interesting, but they didn't get to the real good stuff, so I feel cheated. However, I do have official certification and all that, and am confident (maybe) to save someone's life. Neato.
Dinner at China Star with Summer Math people and some others... meaning fun and yum. Always a good combination.
So I've been doing good for myself here, and I'm ready to start on Monday with all new camp activities thank goodness, cause the office stuff is getting a little much already. How many letters can I cut out really? You couldn't even guess... :)
Posted by
1:21 AM
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Movies Galore
So, so many movies.
First Elektra -- Didn't expect that much, and thus was only mildly entertained. I suppose it wasn't worth watching after all that, but what's done is done.
Office Space -- a movie I'd seen almost all of, just not together, and not in order, in other words I'd seen most of it on television at different points in time. The movie really wasn't that bad, was semi-funny, and it's nice to watch people screw up their lives. It's good to know other people can do it too.
Star Wars III -- after talking to many who'd seen it and complained about the dialogue, etc. I really can't say I cared that much for the dialogue, or even noticed except for the fact that all conversations seemed so unnatural. I liked it, and who cares if other people didn't, cause I thought it put some pieces well into place. Now, I won't say it did leave me with some other questions, some retarded ones in my opinion, but I guess it's George Lucas' choice to do it this way. I mean he is the head honcho, and he decided against making a 7, 8, and 9th episodes, a smart move in my opinion.
Other than movies, I've been shopping and feeding myself for the week, while doing odd tasks around the GirlScout Headquarters until the real stuff starts....
Posted by
8:01 PM
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
An interesting article...
In Tokyo, a Ghetto of Geeks
This is interesting. Why? Well it's a good idea and it seems to have happened, but I've never seen anything like it myself. However, I am curious as to what these girls think, who have to dress in the racy outfits, etc. Do you think they get paid more than the regular kind of waitress, or what's in it for them. Do people really like attracting so much attention in that way... do those men really become pedophiles? That is the question, and the article brings all this to light.
Posted by
7:48 PM
New favorite Comic
Speed Bump... it's too cool. Go to and check it out.
(I took the other out... why? Becuase it made the page look terrible...)
Posted by
1:18 PM
Monday, June 06, 2005
Another movie and Another place
Ok, so I watched... Taxi, yes, that's it. Entertaining if nothing else, but slightly humorous, but reminds me of too many other similar type movies with chases and the fastest cars, etc. Ok nonetheless.
Plus, I'm in California now, back at school almost all ready. Haha. Girl Scouts, here I come...
Posted by
10:14 AM
Saturday, June 04, 2005
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, and a note or two...
Yes, I saw the movie last night. It was cute and charming indeed, but wasn't serious as I obviously expected. It was funny, it was sad, and I remember reading something that the person doing this movie also did the TV show "freaks and geeks" which I liked too. So all in all I liked it, and wouldn't really give the go ahead for most others. It's sort of a watch at home type movie, but I'm glad I saw it anyway.
Stayed up even later last night finishing Me Talk Pretty One Day, because I sort of felt I owed it to David Sedaris, as I wouldn't/couldn't make the trip to go see him at Borders yesterday. Eh. Read about it all here.
Posted by
10:28 AM
Friday, June 03, 2005
XXX, not the porn kind...
Haha. So I watched this movie too, the second one that is with Ice Cube or something. Not as good as the first, which wasn't that good to begin with. So, entertaining? Perhaps, but worth anything? NO. Eh, life goes on and what's one bad movie to ruin it entirely... like that ever happens...
Posted by
6:39 PM
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Raising Helen
Yes, I know, another chick movie. Well I've heard it all, but I am in fact female and thus allowed to indulge in all chick things, including movies, literature, and the best of course -- chocolate.
Anyway, the movie was cute to all accounts, nice story, colorful in its moments, and had some funny bits even through the death in the beginning. And never, never have I seen "Whip It" worked in so well. haha.
Posted by
10:57 PM
Deep Throat
I'm getting angry at the news, a very bad sign most of the time. Consider this (if you're totally news-deprived): We have the man who ratted out Nixon the president of all presidents, sworn with his news source to secrecy. But then, realizing money is at stake, he accepts Vanity Fair's offer, when the first and privvy reporter was for the Post. What a bunch of backstabbing idiots. Look and see what you've done Mr. Felt. He's put Mr. Woodward, the exposing journalist almost to shame, and as far as the family of Felt goes, well I just don't know. Seems too money-grabbing for so many years of silence, and some think him a hero.
I talked to my dad about it, wondering what people thought at that time, considering he was alive then, and he said that he couldn't really care one way or another. But he remembers people loving Nixon (I guess the peace signs really do it), and they were dissapointed to see their "all-american" boy shot to hell. And resigning after the whole fiasco nonetheless, something he had to do considering the amount of illegal activity going on at the time. So America is dissapointed at this "Deep Throat" character, a member of the political areas, seeing all the papers fly by, and telling the reporter - to follow the money.
It's always about the money isn't it? What a f-ing shame I say. Arg.
Posted by
10:40 AM
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
More more more...
So, life goes on. Spent time yesterday with the same ole elementary school friends, dropped some off and Kristen and I spent way too much time investigating the new Harry Potter novel. Or book, or whatever it's called now-a-days. It's really fun spending time with them, different cause we were such good friends then too, or I've convinced myself of it. :) Other than that the day was great. Eating and talking about way too much chocolate is fine by me at all times of the day.
Today I got a haircut, and that was fun too. Fun? OK, maybe not fun, but it's done now and that's the long and short of it. Spent way too long on ebay, drove David to soccer, and ate. Too much eating for me, I'll say.
Needing to read more, cause I've paused or something, and also must get on with the movie watching. Was reading this Me Talk Pretty One Day, and found it interesting. But it's not finished, so I can't and won't give my last word yet, and certaintly not on the wrong blog anyway. (Visit the other and see). So, getting on with things, almost finished with Chicago for the moment, and ready for California already. Be there soon enough I'll say. Still need to find if I'm immunized up to date and all that, but don't want to go on a treasure hunt just yet.
Posted by
8:12 PM