Wednesday, June 01, 2005

More more more...

So, life goes on. Spent time yesterday with the same ole elementary school friends, dropped some off and Kristen and I spent way too much time investigating the new Harry Potter novel. Or book, or whatever it's called now-a-days. It's really fun spending time with them, different cause we were such good friends then too, or I've convinced myself of it. :) Other than that the day was great. Eating and talking about way too much chocolate is fine by me at all times of the day.

Today I got a haircut, and that was fun too. Fun? OK, maybe not fun, but it's done now and that's the long and short of it. Spent way too long on ebay, drove David to soccer, and ate. Too much eating for me, I'll say.

Needing to read more, cause I've paused or something, and also must get on with the movie watching. Was reading this Me Talk Pretty One Day, and found it interesting. But it's not finished, so I can't and won't give my last word yet, and certaintly not on the wrong blog anyway. (Visit the other and see). So, getting on with things, almost finished with Chicago for the moment, and ready for California already. Be there soon enough I'll say. Still need to find if I'm immunized up to date and all that, but don't want to go on a treasure hunt just yet.

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