Sunday, July 31, 2005
The Polar Express
A summer movie yeah? I thought it was just the thing for after spending the day in the heat outside (or not the whole day really, more like until 1). The movie itself was not too shabby, I thought it was well done, and reminded me of the book. Can you believe Jewish parents would buy their daughter this book? I'm not so sure, maybe it was a gift, but I distinctly remember having this book read to me, and reading it (ok, it was just pictures I believe)... Strange huh? Well that and my dad saying he was Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and a whole slew of other religious figures including God. haha. Funny guy? And something about the gatekeeper for purgatory. Although I never really figured what that meant until I was a bit older than a child child. Ah well, life is funny sometimes.
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11:33 PM
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Because of Winn-Dixie
A cute movie, just about how a dog can bring people together and so on. It was entertaining and nice, not the greatest most moving movie ever - but we don't really need those all the time. Something like this movie really just does the trick.
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12:48 PM
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
new camp and randomness
The camp for this week, Monday through Thursday is a day camp called Mad Science. Julie and I (she's the other "Mad Scientist") made t-shirts for this camp, pretty neat and all, and we're running the science stations for all the girls. The experiment like things are pretty fun, the girls are working towards 6 or so patches/badges, which is supposed to be amazing, and they're loving the science. This is how girls should be learning and experiencing this sort of thing. They loved asking questions - so many why why why questions that I couldn't even try to answer some. I mean --> "where does the word science come from?" and "who invented science?" really have no answers. If you know, reply and I'll forward the answers on to the girls. Should be taking some pictures later in the week after I stop to take a breath from the busy-ness and snap some.
Yesterday was a drive to the airport day, today was a F&M discussion day with a trip to Sprague (close) and Honnold-Mudd library (further or is it farther). Now I have a stack of 5 books to get my reading on with. Going to celebrate grandfathers 95th birthday in FL soon, that should be great too.
For now --> some reading, more camps, and who else knows what. If only I weren't so tired. Whoowee. Spread the fun around...
Posted by
11:57 PM
Club Adventure
Camp was... Thursday through Sunday. We went up into the mountains to a property called "Twin Valleys" in Wrightwood (in case you know where that is after all). A rundown of the whole weekend is shortened and is below. Camp was very fun, makes me almost wish I had stuck it out with OSRUI becoming Avodah (camp help) and then onto counselor, etc. But now I have school and then hopefully internships and engineering things to fill the summer with, so I guess that hope has flown its coop.
Pictures above, then a quick story or two below this line.
So the camp is about one hour and a bit away, but of course the school bus we're on (on the way up to camp) breaks down and overheats, leaving us on the freeway broken for a while, and then stuck being hot all the way up to the camp site. Camp site is pretty nice considering I didn't know what to expect. Cabin, showerhouses, and outhouses not bad overall, and we pitched tents right away. I was with the older aged girls, going into grades 5-7 I think if I'm not too mistaken. We had plenty to eat, a long hike, crafts to do, a day at the lake with fishing and canoeing, and then finally a trip (quickly, thank goodness) back home. Fun I'll say.
Posted by
11:41 PM
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Harry Potter and more camping
So if you're an intellegent human being, you should know that the night before last I was there buying HP number 6. haha. Barnes and Noble was semi-crowded, but luckily it was all reserved, and it wasn't too bad a wait. Finished the book yesterday... visit here to read about what I thought. I'm not going to spoil it or anything so don't worry.
As far as this past week goes, I had camp all week. Some pictures to go up later, but not too many due to dying batteries. It was a real live girl scout camp in my opinion, well put together, and fun for the girls and me, at least semi-fun - which is great in this case. I was their leader, which meant I got to do all the fun stuff and be large and in charge too. An interesting change from the other camps where I was a mere helper. I've got a picture frame (and two pictures... odd huh?), a bag of swapies (things you trade with other groups, some were quite cute), and a lot of memories. Not too shabby huh?
That's about it, another weekend off followed by even more camps, a true away for 4 days camp, a variety of meetings, and the possibility of a visit maybe... if only.. Anyway, that's about it for now, hope all is well.
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11:35 AM
Monday, July 11, 2005
Another movie watched. Kind of cute, yet would have been better if a bit more original. Reminded me of "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days." Eh. Still kind of cute anyway.
Girl Scout camp, a serious one I might add, started today. My two crafts fell apart, but luckily my aids amended that quickly. Thank goodness for younger girls who know their stuff. Pictures up later I hope. Other than that, I'm kind of tired from all that effort... only to continue till Friday when even another camp starts. Fun.
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10:28 PM
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Bewitched (the movie)
Ah. Did I love this show when I was a kid. I loved all those old nick at nite reruns, which they've taken off the air for crappy reruns. Darn them. Anyway, this movie -- cliche but cute. I like when things are pretty and colorful and loving and cute. I'm just a sucker. Not the greatest movie of all time, but entertaining.
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1:02 AM
House of Flying Daggers
Watched this today too. Not too bad, the cinematics and music were great, but the movie was a bit slow and had way too many parts of just riding or swordfighting which wans't that great after much of the same with similar type movies. Crouching Tiger.. was better I think. This one had snow at the end though, which I thought was a fabulous touch, although I did wonder where it came from. Not too shabby.
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12:30 AM
Fireworks on the 4th of July. Bang bang. And the loudness just bounced off the CMC towers and sounded way so loud. Wow.
Posted by
12:28 AM
Monday, July 04, 2005
Internet Addiction, have you got it?
Read this article here. Wowser. I'll let it speak for itself, but this is what I see happening with and a variety of other websites that love to hook you in. But these people have serious serious problems, so if you think it's you, just wean off. I mean books are great too!
Posted by
5:33 PM
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Saw the movie, thought it kind of long (considering I was also hungry the entire time), and suppose I'd say -- not so good. There wasn't even that much action for an action movie, not enough killing I'd say...
It was just eh.
Posted by
11:21 AM
Friday, July 01, 2005
lack of posts
This must mean I'm gone right. Or not. Had "world neighbors" camp this week, only to find out that I'm not a leader, or a helper with kids, but rather a helper in the kitchen for the cooking section. Cooking makes me too warm, and the little kids hate to stand at the stove, and I had to. Waa Waa. Ok, so it wasn't really all that bad, and it was kind of fun, even if the camp was run poorly and some of the people acted inappropriately. At least I ate well, sometimes anyway.
Today... went to the GS (girl scouts) council (office) and helped make up the incentives for neighborhoods. You know they sell those delicious cookies, and get nice little gifts in return, like when you sold stuff for school and all that jazz.
Then... Four wisdom teeth removed. Ow. But this dentist was pretty good, the needle putting in guy wasn't half bad, but it's aching only just now. And on July 4th weekend too. PooPoo. Ah, celebrating the country with blood -- hey blood is red, that's an americanish color...
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10:13 PM