Monday, July 03, 2006

About a Boy & Monster's Ball

I've seen "About a Boy" many many times, and finally I give into writing about it. I always thought it a great, interesting, and unique movie, and I do love Hugh Grant. If you haven't seen it you really should. It's about a man and a boy and their interactions with one another and a lot of talk about the line - "No man is an island." It's quite, quirky, funny, witty, and just wonderful. And the soundtrack is to be listened to quite often from now on. :)

Monster's Ball is a different type of movie about the relationship between a corrections officer and the wife of the man he he put to death a bit earlier. It's very touching and calls upon all sorts of emotions - love, sadness, etc. and although no one else seemed to appreciate it, I did like the lack of plot of the movie, and how it just seemed real.

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