Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Flavor Fest

This is a "festival" that took place in the park down the block near my home, which was sponsored by Whole Foods. Not too crowded, since when we went it was raining or misting... but the idea of this was to try organic, natural foods. Essentially it was a sample bonanza, where I got to taste lots of chips, yogurt, drinks, and even a hot dog that were all made from organic, non-___ (fill in the blank) foods. They were all quite yummy, and I really can't taste the difference between all of them and all the preservative-laden foods I eat, so I'm wondering if it's really that much better for you. There were chef presentations too, but I couldn't sit through the end, because he kept saying that we ought not to by this, that and the other; but instead should be non-genetically altered foods, organic, home-grown, hand-picked, etc., and it just started to piss me off. What's so bad about technology anyway? Does "loved" food taste better? I doubt it.

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