Tuesday, May 24, 2005

another day, another dollar

or in this case another friend. It's really nice to see the people whom I'm glad to see are still friends. It's interesting to see how they've gone on in life, and the sadness I feel in finding that we haven't done as well in keeping touch as I had always hoped. So I'm making a new plan... a phone call to those who deserve one, maybe once every two weeks for sure. This should be great, something to keep me connected, and I promise to myself that if it feels like a burden, then it won't happen, and so be it.

Other than that, I talked to another friend and that was great too. I do like friends. It's nice to feel that somebody (or plural somebodies...) still cares/care. Aw.

Plans for tomorrow include reading and calling about the summer. Good thinking. Get a move on already I say... On with things.

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