Thursday, August 10, 2006


The idea of this websites, like many others, is to offer your library up online and mail out books when others request, which gives you the ability to request them from even more others on the site. BookMooch, is a new site, which I just happened across that does things similar to Zunafish, which Margie uses. I used to like the idea of BookCrossing, which says to leave your books behind in random places with a sticker -- so people can get the book for free and it can be tracked all the time. But I was mostly hesitant because if you saw a random book, would you actually pick it up and take it with you? Seems shady. The mailing books to others seems less shady, and a good idea if it all works out. I posted up a few, and even ones that were on others "wishlists," and requested one too. It just sucks time out browsing the site, but if you know what you want it is real easy. Check it out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah I used to love BookCrossing. I've found a few books, but they've all been kinda weird and trashy. I have an extra copy of the 5th Harry Potter, I've been meaning to put it out there, but I need to get one of those sticker things... I think it'd make someone real happy to find a Harry Potter book.

Anyway, I love your random websites. Like that list thing, and the planner, and now books! They keep me busy online, haha.

- Shayni