Pluto, the non-planet
The article above, from Wired, is similar to many others that just got posted up today in the news after the International Astronomical Union voted Pluto to not be considered as a planet anymore (it had been so-called since 1930) and is now to be called a "dwarf-planet."
It's all quite disappointing even though the astronomers are happy -- I'll need a new acronym for remembering the 8 "classical-planets." The old one I knew was: My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas. Oh well. I guess she could serve us... nuts, or perhaps Nutter-butters. Aw.
The article I read said that many expect the astronomical community to overturn this decision, since very few of them actually voted and the wording of the decision is vague. Or perhaps since they didn't care enough to vote, they won't care enough to overturn it.
Hm. And on Nightline (which I now consider to be TV that is just to sell for commercials :) ) they interviewed regular Joes -- who expressed their sadness on losing Pluto. What a load of bull.
And interesting. I had read another article that said the astronomers clapped after the decision, which meant they were in support. But perhaps you're right.
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